Articles by UA:Ukraine Analytica


Dear readers, What does Peace mean? Is Justice important for conflict resolution? Who can be a mediator and what are mediators, such as China and Gulf states interests in Russia-Ukraine war? Are there lessons Ukraine can learn from Balkans and Nagorno-Karabakh peace process, as well as different Truth and Reconciliation commissions around the globe. All…

Ukraine Analytica

The Future of International Order

Online Expert Chat,23-24th November 2023. References to the notion of ‘international order’ have become a commonplace in expert discussions and political rhetoric. Rules of the game in international politics are under challenge as the world is moving through series of crises. Well-known norms, institutions, and principles are insufficient or even obsolete. It might seem that…

Ukraine Analytica

ІV Школа міжнародної аналітики UA: Ukraine Analytica

25-26 серпня, 2023Одеса Програма школи 25 серпня (п’ятниця) 9:30-10.00 Реєстрація учасників 10:00 – 10.15 Вітальне слово: Ганна  Шелест, к.політ.н.,головна редакторкаUA: Ukraine AnalyticaМарія Коваль, представництво  Фонду ім. Ф. Еберта в Україні 10:15 – 10:40 Вступна сесія (знайомство учасників, визначення мети та очікувань) 10:40 – 11.40 Лекція 1: «Аналітика та академія: про що писати, навіщо і як»…

Ukraine Analytica

The Black Sea School of Analytics (2022)

Series of online lectures within the Black Sea School of Analytics (2022), a project of UA: Ukraine Analytica, supported by the Black Sea Trust of the German Marshall Fund. Lecture 1 What is the difference between academic and analytical writing? by Dr Shelest, UA: Ukraine Analytica Lecture 2 10 tips to write good academic article…



Program 11 October 2022, Ukrainian Hub (Brussels)Organizers: Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism”, Ukraine Analytica, Promote UkraineWith the support of NATO Information and Documentation Centre and the Black Sea Trust 11.00-11.15 Registration of participants 11.15-11.30 Welcoming remarksNicola de Santis, Head, Engagements Section, Public Diplomacy Division, NATO HQ 11.30-12.45 SESSION 1: European Security 2022: NATO, EU, and…

Ukraine Analytica

Security Guarantees for Ukraine: Is Mission Possible?

Online Expert Chat, 12 August 2022 Why Europe should also be interested in security guarantees for Ukraine? Why should any state take risks of providing security guarantees for Ukraine? What’s the best format for securing Ukraine? Can Russia be a credible security guarantor for Ukraine? Participants Dr Yevgeniya Gaber, Non-Resident Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council in…

ukraine analytica hard talk

Hard Talk: The Long-Term Consequences of the Black Sea Security and Crimea Militarization

23 November 2021 Organizers:UA: Ukraine AnalyticaForeign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism”Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations With the financial support ofthe Black Sea Trust of the German Marshall Fund Venue: Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the UN,220 E 51st, New York, NY 10022, the USAWorking language: English 09:30 – 10:00 Registration of participants  …


What does it mean to be independent?

Online Expert Chat, 30-31 August 2021 What does sovereignty mean in our world, where countries are so interconnected? What attributes, symbols, stories make the country really independent? 30 years of independence – what have post-Soviet countries reached and accomplished, what failed, and why? What are the main challenges and threats to their independence? Are conflicts…

  1. Images are for demo purposes only and are properties of their respective owners. Published by NGO “Promotion of Intercultural Cooperation” (Ukraine), Centre of International Studies (Ukraine),  with the financial support of the Representation of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Ukraine, International Renaissance Foundation and RAND Corporation, and the U.S. Department of State

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