In March 2018, the EEAS and the European Commission officially relaunched multilateral architecture of the Eastern Partnership, following the results of the 5th Eastern Partnership Summit in Brussels. Having endorsed “20 Deliverables for 2020” as a key roadmap for development of the region, the EU took a first major step in making the new EaP multilateral setup operational. Although some positive moments might be observed with the renewed Eastern Partnership, the multilateral track still does not address expectations of some partner states or stakeholders. This memo presents some core recommendations based on experience of taking part in different EaP multilateral fora and deep involvement in the activity of the Ukrainian National Platform of the EaP Civil Society Forum. It is addressed to both European institutions and Ukrainian authorities engaged in the Eastern Partnership implementation.

The head of the Foreign Policy Council "Ukrainian Prism". He is also a member of the Steering Committee of Ukrainian National Platform of the EaP Civil Society Forum. Fields of expertise: the EU's foreign policy, the EaP policy, CFSP, CSDP

  1. Images are for demo purposes only and are properties of their respective owners. Published by NGO “Promotion of Intercultural Cooperation” (Ukraine), Centre of International Studies (Ukraine),  with the financial support of the Representation of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Ukraine, International Renaissance Foundation and RAND Corporation, and the U.S. Department of State

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