Ukrainian Crisis and Budapest Memorandum: Consequences for the European and Global Security Structures

While tipping the balance of the international security, the Ukrainian crisis had an additional negative impact on the existent security order – it has undermined the non-proliferation regime: the Budapest Memorandum signed by the US, UK, and Russia in 1994 failed to protect Ukrainian security after Ukraine gave up its nuclear status, due to the fact that its violator appeared to be one of its signatories – Russia. The Ukrainian crisis in general and failure of the Budapest Memorandum, in particular, will have a long-lasting negative impact on motivation of potential proliferators of nuclear weapons as well as on perception of guarantees by the non-nuclear states. Moreover, this crisis has affected the international security organizations’ reliability.

Dr. Sergiy Galaka is a Professor of International Relations and International Security. In 1978 graduated from Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Department of International Relations (MA). His research interests include problems of nuclear non-proliferation and wider security issues. Has a number of publications in Ukraine, Great Britain, France, Greece, and Russia, mostly devoted to nuclear non-proliferation. The book “Problem of Nuclear Non-proliferation in International Relations” was published in Kyiv in 2001. Visiting fellow at Monterey Institute of International Relations (USA, 1993), Maryland (College Park) University (USA, 1995).

  1. Images are for demo purposes only and are properties of their respective owners. Published by NGO “Promotion of Intercultural Cooperation” (Ukraine), Centre of International Studies (Ukraine),  with the financial support of the Representation of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Ukraine, International Renaissance Foundation and RAND Corporation, and the U.S. Department of State

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