Ukraine Analytica 25(2021)


Resilience-building as one of the EU’s major approaches to foreign and security policy enshrined in the EU Global strategy came about as a result of EU foreign policy and security identity shaping as well as the changing nature of its engagement in neighbouring areas. It reflected the declining share of the EU’s soft interventionism and attempts to re-balance responsibility for policy failures. The article takes a look at the path the EU has made towards bringing resilience-building to the fore as a tool of its foreign and security policy; explains its essence and the role for the EU in the context of the changing environment and transformations in neighbouring areas, with a special focus on its Eastern neighbours. The article addresses the challenges the EU faces on the way to efficient resilience-building in the short-term perspective.

Dr. Olena Khylko, Associate Professor at the Institute of International Relations at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Senior Research Fellow. She is also an expert at the East European Security Research Initiative Foundation. Being the author of more than 50 academic and analytical publications, she focuses her research interest on international relations and security in Eastern Europe, identity issues, foreign policy of Ukraine and geopolitics

  1. Images are for demo purposes only and are properties of their respective owners. Published by NGO “Promotion of Intercultural Cooperation” (Ukraine), Centre of International Studies (Ukraine),  with the financial support of the Representation of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Ukraine, International Renaissance Foundation and RAND Corporation, and the U.S. Department of State

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