Articles by Dmytro Sherengovsky

Dmytro Sherengovsky, PhD is the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Internationalization at the Ukrainian Catholic University. He was formerly member of the Expert Council in the area of International Relations at the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (Ukraine). He was also a research fellow of the Nanovic Institute of European Studies, University of Notre Dame, USA. Former consultant to UNDP (Ukraine) for online-education on SDG for business. His major research interests focus on global challenges, SDGs, international relations theories, international conflicts, global and regional security.

  1. Images are for demo purposes only and are properties of their respective owners. Published by NGO “Promotion of Intercultural Cooperation” (Ukraine), Centre of International Studies (Ukraine),  with the financial support of the Representation of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Ukraine, International Renaissance Foundation and RAND Corporation, and the U.S. Department of State

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