Ukraine Analityca 1(33) 2024


In June 2023, the European Commission presented a New Ukraine Facility of €50 billion. This plan may undergo a number of modifications given that the war started by Russia against Ukraine continues, and that the timing of its end is unpredictable. This paper examines the priorities and challenges faced by the European Union regarding the Ukraine Facility during the next four years; what role will the European Union as a whole and the member states individually play in this process? What are the priorities (e.g. three pillars of the Facility) and challenges that the EU will face in the process of the reconstruction of Ukraine? It is also important to underline that this will not be a unilateral process on the part of the European Union; Ukraine itself will take an active part in identifying the reforms and investments that it intends to undertake.

In general, both the Ukraine Facility Regulation and the Ukraine Plan will give the Ukrainian people “an opportunity to contribute to the country’s sustainable recovery from the devastation wrought by Russia’s war of aggression”

Irakli Javakhishvili (License and PhD, Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas) is an associate professor at Webster University Georgia and an adjunct professor at Webster University in Tashkent where he teaches Introduction to Political Theory. He was head of the BA programme of International Relations at Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University, and taught the course of Foreign Policy Analysis at the International Black Sea University. His PhD thesis is on Georgia-EU relationships; his articles are published in Springer Publication’s Volume, Journal of Ethics and Social Sciences (Rome, Italy). He is the author of the books “The Democratic Republic of Georgia in Diplomatic Relations of the Great Powers 1918-1921” and “Diplomatic Negotiations: Theory, Process, Evolution”.

  1. Images are for demo purposes only and are properties of their respective owners. Published by NGO “Promotion of Intercultural Cooperation” (Ukraine), Centre of International Studies (Ukraine),  with the financial support of the Representation of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Ukraine, International Renaissance Foundation and RAND Corporation, and the U.S. Department of State

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