UA: Ukraine Analytica
Issue 1(36), 2025
“Global Powers”
Ukraine Analytica is the first Ukrainian academic/analytical journal in English language on International Relations Politics and Economics. The journal is aimed for experts, diplomats, academics, students interested in the international relations and Ukraine in particular.

The articles within the following topics are expected for consideration, but not limited to this:
- Global Power competition 2.0, who are the new/old players, what are their interests?
- What will the new competition and conflict lines be?
- Is the EU a global power?
- What all of this means for Ukraine?
- What all of this means for Ukraine?
The abstract of about 200 words setting:
- Title,
- Authors name and affiliation;
- The main research questions the author is going to cover in the article
– should be sent not later than – 1 February 2025
The selected authors will be notified.
The full article should be sent to not later than (early sending appreciated) – 1 March 2025
Articles should be original and in British English, around 3000-4000 words, and should include a 100-word abstract as well as the full title and affiliation of the author. In the end of the article, 3 sentences bio of the author should be included.
Please consider your articles to be more policy-oriented (language and style) rather than pure academic theoretical, but with sound analysis, media style is not acceptable.
Full guide for Journal Contributors is here